M6 + 100-400mmL II - BAD BOKEH #5 - This is the WORST of the examples and I sent it to Canon with the shots show above. You MUST click on these images to view the streaks in the bokeh because they are hardly visible in these preview images. It appears from my own experiments that this may very well be the case. Now the EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM II (and also the Mk1 version) are said by many photographers to be hypersensitive to poor quality glass. Some shorter ones can be seen towards the bottom of the frame. notice the large, dark curved shape to the right of her shoulder? That's a LONG piece of grass that was one of the likely culprits. Now look at the wider shot I had taken earlier. This proves it was green grass in the way of the lens and not something else.

Follow it down to the lizards tail and you'll see an overlay of green color. G11: Can you see those wavy lines in the background (almost center of frame?(. although I believe your instance is likely to be caused by very fine grass blades that were so close to the lens that you would not have seen them when taking the picture. which is multi-coated and protects my lens and also completed the environmental seal. The vast majority is these instances were resolved by removing the filter and replacing it with a better one. This particular lens is allegedly VERY sensitive to low grade filters and many DOZENS of reports can be fount across the internet on other webpages by users who experienced the very same thing that I did. Perhaps not this particular example, but do a search and you will find a thread from last year where Marco Nero determined that his strange wavy effects in the bokeh disappeared when he removed the cheap filter that he had installed for protection (I think when he was using at the beach and installed a "disposable" filter for protection). I have not seen anything like this with either of my 100-400L (V1 or V2) lenses.

Were you using a filter on the lens, and if yes, what was it ? I think Marco had something like this last year and he determined that it was caused by a cheap filter.